Graduating Grief Services
Business Professionals, Schools, & Organizations
Did you know it costs Corporate America more than 100 billion dollars a year, simply because of the way they handle grief in the workplace?
Most policies in place and managers in charge are missing the mark when it comes to grief and grieving workers as they return to work after a loss.
Those statistics were taken pre-pandemic.
Post Pandemic.. It’s safe to say that just about every single person has had to deal with grief on some level which means those costs are being felt by just about every business and organization, including yours!
Grief affects a person’s physical, emotional and mental well being. It’s not something that can be left at home or compartmentalized which means it goes where they go, and it is carried into the workplace and classroom.
So how do you deal with grieving employees, students, and staff?
What are you doing to offer them support, to encourage healing, to make them feel safe and secure in their position?
Are you doing anything beyond the standard bereavement leave policy?
It might not be your job or area of expertise to help offer this kind of support, but it is mine.
Below are various ways in which we can partner together virtually or in person to help support those in your organization who are grieving which helps you to retain your good workers, not train new ones.
Resource Book
“How Can I Help? – Your Go-to Guide for Helping Loved One’s through Life’s Difficulties”
We all know someone who is suffering, but do we know what to do or say to offer support, compassion and care?
In this #1 best selling book I interviewed people from all walks of life, who have experienced various kinds of loss. I found out what specific things their family and friends did and said to best help them feel loved, cared about and supported as they moved through their grief and healed.
This book is a resource guide that can help every person show up in a caring and compassionate way for those who need their support.

Virtual/ In-Person Presentation
How Can I Help?
We all know someone who’s lost a loved one, or is going through a divorce, or has been diagnosed with a life changing illness such as cancer.
But how many of us know what to do or say that can really help them?
This presentation is based on my best-selling book “How Can I Help?”
I share with audiences tips and suggestions that allow you to offer comfort and support to a grieving friend or co-worker.
After losing our son, plus some of our best friends who weren’t there to support us, I was able to transform that pain into a tool to help others step out in a way that offers support and strengthens relationships instead of destroying them.
I am on a mission to help show others what they can do and say to best support those dealing with grief and loss in ways that feel comfortable and aid in the healing process.
In this talk you will learn:
- Three reasons why people don’t show up in crisis
- Specific actions you can take that show you care
- What to say and to avoid saying to someone suffering from loss
- The two MOST important things you can do to support a loved one

Workshop-Virtual or In-Person
How Can I Help?
NOT dealing with grief in the workplace or in the classroom, can have a devastating effect on the bottom line, work/school performance and can have a negative lifelong effect on the grieving person. In fact, many high performers simply check out or leave because they feel like they don’t feel the care, compassion or have the support they need as they find their way back from grief.
Invite me into your school, workplace, leadership team meeting, or organization.
I will work with your staff to help them effectively:
- Recognize and evaluate the signs of grief
- Communicate with the grieving person and those surrounding them
- Support those dealing with grief
- Monitor those grieving through their first year.
In this workshop I share my journey of losing our son Brandon, and also losing some of our closest friends who didn’t show up for us at a time we needed them most. I was able to transform that pain into a tool to help others.
I can’t save those relationships, so I want to make sure people have the information they need, to allow them to comfortably support a grieving friend or co-worker and strengthen those bonds of friendship and trust, not destroy them.
I am on a mission to help show others what they can do and say to best support those dealing with grief and loss in ways that feel comfortable and aid in the healing process.
In this :
- Three reasons why people don’t show up in crisis
- Specific actions you can take that show you care
- What to say and to avoid saying to someone suffering from loss
- The two MOST important things you can do to support a loved one
If your managers, leaders, and employees are in need of information, education and skills to help others feel at ease after a life crisis, invite Sherrie Dunlevy to offer this professional presentation at your next in-service day.

Self-Paced Coaching (Online)
My Grief Journey video support series with downloadable workbook
This is a self-guided and self-paced video course designed for those new to their grief journey.
Many times, in early grief it is impossible to read and retain information. This course provides the griever with help and tools they need by simply pressing play.
This course addresses how grief affects our emotional, physical, and mental state, and provides you with tools, techniques, and homework exercises that allow you to listen and work at your own pace.
Included in the My Grief Journey Video Series:
- Introduction Video
- 6 Video Modules with exercises
- Next Steps Video
- Bonus Stillness/Meditation Video
- My Grief Journey Workbook (PDF Download)
- One free 30-minute session with me via Zoom
- Access to the Graduating Group Community
- Automatic Subscription to the Graduating Grief Newsletter

Group Coaching (Virtual)
My Healing Journey
This is an interactive and focused 8-week Grief Completion support group. This is not Grief Therapy. This is Grief Support.
The goal is to walk members through the process of finishing their relationship with their loved one and reorganizing life in a way that works best for them.
In this support group members will be sharing their story, and encouraging the progress of other members as we journey together for 8 weeks.
Included in the My Healing Journey Support Group:
- 8 weekly virtual sessions of Grief Coaching and Grief Support
- Reading and Homework Assignments sent to you on a week to week basis
- Group Support
- One free 30-minute session with me via Zoom
- Access the the My Grief Journey Videos
- Access to the Graduating Group Community
- Automatic Subscription to the Graduating Grief Newsletter

Retreats (In-Person or Virtual)
Same training as in the virtual My Healing Journey Group support best done in person over one weekend in a retreat setting, can be offered virtually.

Not Sure What's Best For You
Talk With Sherrie
If you are unsure of what Talk or Workshop would work best for you or your team, talk with Sherrie today.