Tidings of Comfort and Joy, are sung about in popular Christmas Carols, but for many people, the stress they feel is way too much to feel comfort. And for those dealing with difficult chapters in life, feeling JOY might seem like it’s next to impossible.
That’s why the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce decided to do something to help all people find comfort and joy this holiday season.

The Comfort and Joy Series consists of 4 sessions to help people deal with those things that can put a damper on the holiday season: finances, stress, grief and loss, plus entertaining and decorating.
What’s great about this series of seminars is the fact that the 1st half hour includes a great hot breakfast and networking with other people in attendance, in addition to the great information that is presented each week.
I was asked to do the 3rd session in which I recently presented my most popular talk this time of year that helps those people who are dealing with the holiday blues, due to grief and loss.

During this season, I try to help people understand that the holidays can trigger so many emotions that can produce waves of grief.
Since grief is a whole body experience, so much of what makes the holidays special, can be real triggers for grief. The music, decorations, aromas of baking and cooking, conversations, ornaments and family gatherings, can trigger a flurry of emotions that many may be trying to avoid because they are afraid of or what to avoid those feelings of pain and sadness.
Everyone who attended this workshop got to take home a worksheet that will help them prepare for those triggers in advance, so they can create a game plan ahead of time. This allows for them to feel confident that “ if and/or when” something triggers them, they know what they can do.

I also talked about granting yourself the permission to do what you feel like doing or to bow out of what might not feel good to you,, how to have loving, yet challenging conversations with family members who mean well, yet still try to persuade you to change your mind.
I talked about the importance of self care and opening yourself up to the possibility that you may find comfort and joy and still shed tears this time of year, and it is all ok and part of the grieving process.
Speaking of the grieving process, if you decide 2023 is the year you want to Graduate from the pain and suffering of your grief and begin to reorganize and redesign your life,
I am conducting an 8-Week Grief Completion – Life Reorganization group support and coaching group. It begins January 9th and is limited to 10 people.
If you would like more information, email me at Sherrie@SherrieDunlevy.com or register online.
The next and final workshop for the Comfort and Joy Series will take place on Wednesday Nov. 30, which is Presence of Taste and Design during the Holidays, featuring Chef Adam Luiso and Nancy Haynes.
The cost of the workshop is $15 and you can register by visiting the St. Clairsville area Chamber of Commerce website.