If you are on social media, the posts start in December with people making declarations of what their word for the new year will be. Intrigued, I began selecting a word, too. In fact, for the past 6 years, I have chosen a single word to use as a guide and for inspiration.
Eventually, I realized this word was actually a compass to lead me throughout the year. And selecting a single word to help keep me on track was so much easier and much more successful than making a lists of resolutions that I eventually break within a few months.
This practice has worked so well for me, that I decided to create a goal-setting workshop called My Compass Word – Goal Setting Simplified and it’s sister, Self-Care Simplified. And the reactions I’ve gotten from people participating have been powerful.
Just as a map outlines the path to your destination, a compass keeps you headed in the right direction.
And by simply using this word, you can really improve all aspects of your personal and professional life.
That’s why I was so excited to share My Compass Word workshop at the most recent “Coffee Talk of the Ladies of Nexstar”, the nation’s largest media company.

As a former television news anchor, I can tell you that working in the media industry can be very exciting and rewarding, but it also can be very demanding and stressful.
So, being able to share a tool that has worked so well for me with women who I know could use something simple and effective to help them, was such an honor and pleasure.

So How Do You Select Your Word?
Well for me, most of the time my word selects me.
I know that might sound a bit confusing. But at the end of each year, when I am thinking about selecting a word for the upcoming year, I make some time and sit in silence. And I see if a word comes to me.
Most times, a rod pops right into my head.
But this year that wasn’t the case. And I realize that’s not the case for everyone. So in the course of the workshop we flush out other ways to connect to a word that can serve as a compass for the rest of the year.
It is so fun to see what words women choose or what word chooses them. And most times it’s the word that brings their life, their needs, and their desires into focus.
Through the other exercises we also identify what we need to release in the coming year, so that we can call in everything we want, need, and desire.
And when we get to this part of the workshop, it is powerful to see how many women are needing many of the same things. This creates a realization that we are more alike than we are unalike and we need more balance.
Then we can get down to the business of building off of our word to create a series of goals. The Compass Word keeps us on the path, helps us find balance and alignment. And the beauty of it is when we fall off the path, all we have to do is simply look at the compass and we can jump right back on track instead of giving up.
Out of all of my keynote speeches, presentations, and workshops, My Compass Word workshop is one of my favorites to share and can be done one-to-one or with hundreds of people at a time, in person or virtually.
If you would like to learn more about My Compass Word workshops, find it here on my website, or shoot me an email at sherrie@sherriedunlevy.com