I don’t know about you, but for me, I find myself really struggling during this pandemic. I thought once the weather changed, once businesses started to open up, and once I could see my loved ones again in a socially distanced, safe way, I would feel a lot better.
And I do, but I also have some really difficult days.
Let’s face it, we are living through one of the most challenging times of our lifetime and in history.
As if the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t enough on it’s own, here in the US, we are also dealing with racial and economic unrest, and a collective feeling of uncertainty.
Right now, many states are considering closing down again so we do not know what the future looks like right now.
That alone is unsettling, but add to it any other stressors in life, and no wonder people feel angry, frustrated, sad, and even depressed at times.
So if you have been feeling bad, you are not alone. A lot of us are. But you don’t have to stay in that state.
It is possible to move through it, by taking action.
So what can you do to feel better, when you feel like your world and THE world is falling apart?
The answer is really quite simple: start helping others.
I know this to be true, because I have done all of these things, and after doing them, I felt AMAZING!!

So here are 5 Things You Can do for Others That Will Make YOU Feel Great:
1. Set up a Virtual Visit

Back when the pandemic was just beginning, people were really missing contact with each other. We couldn’t gather at family, church, school or social events. But that’s when technology kicked in to help connect us.
Technology might not have developed a way to give a good bear hug, but it has provided us with the next best thing: a way to see, hear, and connect with loved ones and friends from across the globe. FaceTime is a great way to do this one one one, but there are also other ways to virtually gather in groups
A business app called Zoom, which had once been used for virtual conference calls, has now become a go-to for hosting virtual birthday parties, a family get together, even class reunions.
By May, I had been visiting with not just my team members, but was celebrating birthdays with my family, attending class reunions and even visiting with college friends who I haven’t seen in decade. And this week, I am joining my Improvisational comedy colleagues “The Left of Centre Players” for our first ever “Zoom-Prov” !!
I can tell you, that I feel down right joyful after each and every meeting. I bet you will too.
2. Phone a friend
You know that little electronic device you carry around in your pocket? Back in the day it use to do only one thing, allow you to make a phone call.
It still does that. In fact, we still call it that, and yet we rarely use it to call someone.
Sometimes, you just need to hear a friendly voice. And sometimes you just don’t want anyone to see that you are still in your pj’s at four o’clock in the afternoon.
Picking up the phone to call your grandparents, your mom, your son, your neighbor down the street shows you care and shows are concerned about them. It also makes you feel better because most likely they will tell you how much they enjoyed talking with you too.
3. Send Out A Card

I love getting “fun” mail. Not bills or junk mail, but mail that is personalized just for me.
It’s a great pick me up on an ordinary day. It’s a real lifeline when I’m having a down day. And I bet you love mail too. That’s why sending out a card to someone you love or care about is a great idea.
In April, when the quarantine was suddenly feeling real, I sent out over 60 cards to friends, neighbors, relatives and customers, to let them know I was thinking about them. I didn’t even have to go to the store. I used a great online service called Send Out Cards, where you can personalize each card and include pictures, sentiments, and even word search puzzles. You can even include a gift of brownies or a gift card.
If you would like to learn more about Send Out Cards, here’s a link where you can send your first card for free:
I’m not a part of this company, but I use this service and highly recommend it.
4. Text a Special Message
One morning I woke thinking about my family and what I missed about them. Then I thought, why leave it at a thought, why not let them know. So I started with my son, and then it snowballed. I ended up spending the entire day texting every single family member, many friends, and even businesses associates with a personalized text that went like this:
“Hey Bob, it’s Sherrie.
Things I miss and admire about you:
Your killer wit
Your huge hugs
The love you have for your dog Patches.
Can’t wait to see you when this is over.
Know that you are loved and thought about by me”
This was something that brought me so much JOY as it was delivering joy to everyone else. I truly thought about each and every person, and was filled with so much love and gratitude that my happiness cup overflowed for days!
5. Share the Gift of AWESOME

That’s why you might want to start sharing the uplifting posts, and stories with your friends and family members.
How can you do this when so much of the posts you see deal with Covid-19, politics, or racism?
You can join a special Facebook Group I started called ALL THINGS AWESOME.
It’s a group filled with like minded people who believe that the world really is a good place filled with good people, doing good things, but it’s being hidden by all the other depressing posts.
Every single post is AWESOME! It could be an inspirational quote, a video of a goat jumping on a trampoline, or even a fabulous drink recipe. But each post is shared by members to be enjoyed with other members.
To brighten the day of someone you care about click to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirationista/
Then either invite your friends to join ALL THINGS AWESOME, or share a story that made you feel good that day.
Sherrie Dunlevy- ,#Inspirationista, is an author, speaker, podcast host.
She is the founder of the, ALL THINGS AWESOME Community on Facebook, which is dedicated to shining a light on all the GOOD that exists in the world.
To order a copy of her best selling
book, “How Can I Help?” go to ,www.SherrieDunlevy.com/author.
To invite Sherrie to speak at your next event, conference or to book a
“How Can I Help?” Workshop at your business, hospital or school, contact Sherrie at SherrieDunlevy@gmail.com