How to Become Resilient After Loss

“You are so strong.”

“I could never survive what you have.”

Those are just a few of the many phrases grievers have heard as they travel their path from grief to healing. But that simply isn’t true. Resiliency isn’t something you have, it is something that is built and Janet Fanaki has not only studied it, she has lived it and is teaching her children to build theirs as well.

Janet is the creator and host of the RESILIENT PEOPLE podcast.

Since 2018 she has been blogging and recording interviews with people from around the world who are admired for their resilience.

She calls herself a Resilience Explorer.

A former public relations specialist, Janet and family were shocked in 2016 when her husband Adam was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He was 47 years old and in February 2020 succumbed to the disease.

Over the three and a half years of Adam’s illness, Janet did a lot of people watching in the appointment waiting rooms – wondering how others cope with major life challenges? She share’s some of those observances and lessons with us in this episode.

To connect with Janet go to

Instagram & Facebook @resilientpeopleca

Twitter @resilientpeopl

LinkedIn: Janet (Petruck) Fanaki

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