Working Around the Wage Gap

For every dollar a man earns, a woman earns 49 cents

The reporter teased: “New information regarding the wage gap between men and women isn’t want you might suspect. Details ahead.”

I thought to myself, “finally there is more progress.” Drawing on my memory, I believed the current statistics were that a woman earned 79 cents to every dollar a man earned. So when the story stated that it was actually 49 cents to every dollar earned by a man, I literally felt nauseous and immediately teared up.

After hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, and spending an entire weekend dragging out Christmas decorations and creating that “Christmas Magic” that most family members actually believe magically appears each year, I was beyond tired and exhausted and so very grateful that I did not have to get up early for work the next day.

And yet millions of women do get up to go to work each an every day. And they work hard and long. And then they go home and work long and hard and now we find out they get paid less than half of what men do.

If that’s not a sucker punch to the gut, I don’t know what is.

Having had a career in TV news for over a decade, I decided to cut back to part-time after my first son was born and leave entirely after my second son died. I needed to go home and heal and just be “mom”. Eventually after my son entered school, I began hosting a part-time talk radio show which allowed me to work when he was at school, and be home when he was home. Everything was perfect about the situation except for the pay.

Had my husband not had a decent job, I would have never been able to take that job. And I am one of the blessed ones.

Getting back to the news story, the expert told the reporter that because many women leave their jobs to give birth to children, or take time off to raise children, or leave to take care of aging parents, they never really have full earning potential. And have to start over each and every time they jump back into the workforce.

And just imagine if you are a single mom trying to make this work?

I have not returned to a full time job in over 20 years. And truth be told, I’m not sure I can. I LOVE my work as an author and a speaker, but there is no way I can work a full time job that would allow me the time freedom to come and go as I please.

I need the ability to schedule my work around my life instead of scheduling my life around my work.

In today’s corporate world that is not always possible.

But what if I told you I have found a way?

What if there was option that could offer you both: an income and time freedom?

And what if I told you that majority of women in this country who make over $100,000 a year took advantage of this option?

And what if I told you that this option “evens the playing field” when it comes to the income gender gap?

Would you be interested in knowing more?

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Again, this is a WORK from home option and not a get rich quick option. So if you think it is something you would like to explore, do your research. Find products you would like to try and then do your research.

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