There’s something about grief that can make you consumed with the fear of losing others you love too. The grief associated with the death of someone we love can be so painful we can’t imagine how we will survive it. Then we look to others…

Graduating Grief Briefs are episodes that are 10 minutes or less. A bite sized bit of wisdom, a quick insight to a breaktrough, or even sharing a tool to help you on your grief journey. In this episode we talk about “perspective”. Changing your perspective…

One of the most challenging things to do when faced with a death, health scare, or trauma is to keep your mind from getting the best of you. It is something that can compound your stress and zap your energy. So how do you reel…

Let’s talk about it! Yes, IT… Grief. Let’s talk about it so we can get comfortable and not fear it when it comes to you next time. I can’t think of a better person to talk about this subject than Anne DeButte. Anne is a…

What do you say to your boss when you are dealing with a loss in your personal life? The conversation is not an easy one, but it is one that MUST take place. Open lines of communication make it easier on you, your manager and…

“You are so strong.” “I could never survive what you have.” Those are just a few of the many phrases grievers have heard as they travel their path from grief to healing. But that simply isn’t true. Resiliency isn’t something you have, it is something…

Nurses and other medical professionals deal with death, dying and grieving as a part of their profession. For those working in Hospice, this is true every day they show up for work. So one might think they “KNOW” how handle it better than most. You…

Marcella Williams is no stranger to grief and loss, and death and dying. Her grief journey is one where she found herself being called to transform her life and as a result, her career path. Her story is a beautiful one. And once she did…

If Peggy Green can find joy in living life, you can too! That is one of the huge take aways I got after talking to this remarkable mother who didn’t just lose one child. She lost two. She not only lives a great life, but…

One of the most challenging things to do when faced with a death, health scare, or trauma is to keep your mind from getting the best of you. It is something that can compound your stress and zap your energy. So how do you reel…

Jerry Fenter is no stranger to death, dying, or grief. After all he is a chaplain and is the director of Spiritual Counselors for a Hospice Health Care System. He is used to working with the dying and their families every single day. But then…

When it comes to losing someone you love, tears are almost a given, laughter, not so much. But Allen Klein doesn’t agree with that. In fact he says they can co-exist and both can be used in healing. When he lost his wife after a…

If you had an accident and broke your leg, chances are likely you would see treatment immediately to help ease the pain and start the healing process. So why is it that with grief, we let the pain linger and feel healing is not even…

This weeks episode gets personal. Well for me anyway. This week marks the birthday of my son Brandon who was born 22 years ago. He lived for 29 days. This year, on his birthday I felt sad. Really sad. And that might surprise you because…

Grief is coming to you! If the thought of this scares you, then this is episode is made especially for you. We are all going to grieve the loss of someone we love, something we love or something we are forced to leave behind and…

Anytime you are going through a rough chapter in life, chances are you are feeling on edge and may be doing battle with anxiety. For some, anxiety can actually become a way of life with or without a major challenge. Author and Ted-X speaker J.A.…

What do you do when you want to be like all the other kids, but you can’t because of your physical limitations? And what do you do when the other kids tease and bully you because you’re different? Some kids let it define them in…

Finally, you are managing your grief and feeling pretty good and then all of a sudden something out of the blue triggers your pain. Sometimes it’s so painful it almost feels like you are reliving the pain all over again. First of all, relax. This…

Marriages end because a spouse dies OR because someone decides to end it. Either way, there can be tremendous grief. But for those that are divorced, this loss might linger a bit longer. With death, it is final. With divorce, you might always still think…

During the recent loss of my beloved sidekick and podcast co-host, my dog Ollie, I have been experiencing gut wrenching heartbreak and grief. A friend of mine told me to feel the love people were sending me and I told her I was incapable of…

“Grief does not last forever. It should not be allowed to.” When I read those words in her soon to be released book “the rebellious WIDOW”, I knew I had found a soul sister. Jill Johnson-Young KNOWS this to be true. Not just because she…

Ever get one of those thoughts or “nudges” that you should call someone or reach out to them in some manner? I’m sure you have, as I get them all the time. In this “Inspirationista Insight” episode I talk about why you should never ignore…

Published on cbsnews.com. There are ways to navigate the sadness and stress that you may be feeling if you’ve recently lost a loved one during the holiday season. The author and host of “Graduating Grief” podcast Sherrie Dunlevy joined the show to help us through…

My personal philosophy on aging is that all of us are aging but not all of us have to get old. What do I mean by that? I mean every single person is aging. It happens from the moment we are born. Our minds and…

Fewer things feel better in life than being with people who like you for just being you. It’s not about your profession, your status, your sense of style, your accomplishments or any of the things we seem to spend so much time worrying and fussing…

As I was in the midst of my morning reflections and prayers I noticed that not only were there a lot of people on my list whom I was praying for, but that the vast majority of them are struggling with some very heavy challenges…